A person is built so that he wants to surround himself with everything beautiful and warm, because he feels comfortable and cozy in such an environment. Photos with family, friends, loved ones help to maintain such an environment in your home. It is such pictures can fill the empty space on the wall, add originality to the interior in any design renovation. We often neglect personal photos, we do not print them, but keep them in a digital version, and it’s in vain, because the photo preserves the emotions, fills our house with them. In this article we want to show you interesting options for decorating any photo. After reading this article to the end, you will learn how to make collages, frames, posters and gift boxes from and for photos.
How to beautifully decorate a photo with your own hands
You probably have in your computer, on your phone or even in an album a photo that you love, but do not show it to anyone. Stop hiding your happiness from your house guests! Get your favorite photo, decorate it, and display it for all to see.
Decorate your picture on the wall clock
To do this, of course, you’ll have to take apart your bedroom clock, insert your photo instead of the backing, and then return all the clock parts to their places. The only thing – you’ll have to think about what to do with the dial. It can be glued on top of the photo, or you can cut out the numbers separately. If you have such a clock, in which the time is indicated by graduations, then they need to be drawn on the inserted photo.
Make a collage of your favorite photos in one picture
Pick a favorite photo, and then match it with a few objects that you associate with that photo. This can be artificial flowers, cards, a letter from the person in the photo with you. All these things are framed in the same wooden frame. You can just stretch a wire, and then use decorative clothespins to attach the photo and additional accessories. You get a stylish composition that will look great in the interior of your bedroom or kitchen.

Arrange your photos on one large tablet
Such an idea is suitable for photos from a trip or a single celebration. For example, you want to decorate your engagement photos this way. To do this, you need to print out as many photos from that day as possible of the same size and attach them to a large wooden board or grid. You can knock down a frame of wood altogether, and fill its inner space with decorative netting. It is by it that you will attach the photos with clothespins or ordinary paper clips.
Make a photo cube out of your favorite pictures
Make the required number of small cubes from which you can then assemble one large cube. On each side of the small cube you need to glue a photo piece. This means that one photo must be cut into several pieces. Each piece of the photo is glued to one side of the small cube. When all the cubes are assembled, you will have a whole picture of one photo. You can put such a cube on your desktop or on a shelf near the TV in the living room.
Glue your photos to old computer disks
You probably haven’t used disks for listening to music and watching movies for a long time. You can find a useful use for them by making an original collage and photo frame at the same time. Pick up a few discs, glue them together, and then glue a photo on each disc. You’ll have a nice picture on the wall or on the front door. This is a fashionable trend in interior decorating right now.
How to beautifully decorate a photo on the wall
More often than not, we attach our photos to the wall in the room where we spend most of our time. This is a great place where you can place whole collages and paintings of pictures, looking at which always raises the mood, and there is inspiration. If you have already thought about decorating your photos in this way, then focus on the options we offer.
Gallery of photo pictures
Frame your photos in the same format and hang them on the wall in a classic style. For a richer look, it is better to make the photos in black and white. Place a photo of your mother or grandmother in the center. For this photo, you need to pick a frame that will be different in color. It should be the same format, but have a different color, such as red. This way you will emphasize that the woman in the photo is the ancestor or she is just the main person in the house.
Ribbon of photos on the closet
If your house has a large closet full wall, and you want to decorate the top of it to draw the attention of your guests, you can attach your photos, framed. Such decoration will look very stylish and modern.
Ethno-collage of photos
Print out the photos from your archives in black and white, but you can leave them in color if it is more appropriate for your interior. Connect each photo with strings so that they look like garlands. After that, hang each garland from a beautiful branch, which should be attached to the wall beforehand. To make such a photo collage look elegant in the evening, wrap the branch with garland – it will be beautifully illuminated at night:
Decorate the corner of your room with photos
In this case, you can act guided by one of the ways:
- Simply glue the photos to the wall in the shape of, for example, a heart.
- First frame each photo and then attach the frames to the wall.
Family Tree
Modern families quite often decorate living room walls in this way. First, the best photos from the family archive are selected and printed, then framed and hung on the wall in a chaotic order. Before you attach the photos, you need to draw or glue a tree with artificial leaves or made of decorative paper on the wall.
How to beautifully decorate a photo as a gift
A photo can be used to give the person you love an original gift. Firstly, everyone who will look at this gift will understand to whom it belongs, and secondly, in this way you show that you approached the choice of gift individually, it will be nice to know the recipient.
Billboard with a picture
This is not a new way to congratulate a person on a holiday, but from this it has not lost its relevance. Any person will be pleased to see himself on a huge billboard in the city in which he lives. Of course, such a gift will not be cheap, but emotions and memories are dearer, and they will stay for life.
A pillow with a photo
If you want the person to have you always in front of his eyes, give him a pillow, which printed your personal or joint photo. You can order such a pillow in any stores that are engaged in printing on fabric.
Plaid with pictures
If you are going to a wedding or a housewarming party, you can present as a gift a blanket with photos of people who are the heroes of the occasion. Only you need to select high-quality and beautiful pictures to make the quilt look worthy. Simple photos taken on the phone will not work in this case, because they will look blurry and indistinct in print.
Phone case with a photo
Changing phone cases every day or every week is a hobby for many people. Today’s young, advanced people have a phone that is an integral part not only of their lives, but also of their style. They choose covers for their gadgets as scrupulously as a closet for themselves. Therefore, you can present a personalized accessory with a photo of the owner.
Modules on the wall from photos will be a great gift for newlyweds who have just moved into their nest and are settling in. In any center that specializes in this format of photo printing, you can order modules of the right size. You will need to choose a suitable photo and send it in the work so that stylish modules for the interior are made for you.
How to make a beautifully framed photo, photo with explanation
If you decide not to reinvent the wheel and present a printed photo in a frame, then here you will need to take care that this frame is beautiful. It is best to make such a frame with your own hands. There are a large number of ways to do this. We will give you some simple examples that may be useful to you:
A frame made of newsprint
Make a frame out of ordinary cardboard paper to the size of your photo. Glue rolled up newsprint tubes to it. The tubes should be very close together so that the frame is bright. Insert the photo in it, and write some wish or kind words on the back of the photo.
A pallet frame for a photo
Here you will need to find several pallets, glue them together or knock them down, attach a paper clip that will act as a holder for the photo. You can also add some kind of greeting inscription on such a frame. The best way is to paint the inscription.
A frame made of buttons
The basis for such a frame can be anything, as long as it is dense. But the upper part can be covered with bright buttons of different sizes and shapes. Suitable such a frame as a gift for a friend or classmate. Be sure to choose a good photo, in which the recipient is happy, smiling – it will fill your gift with extremely positive energy.
Knitting thread frame
If you have in stock a few balls of knitting thread and a dozen decorative beads, you will be able to make a beautiful frame for the photo, which is not embarrassing to put in the living room near the TV. Everything in this case is much easier – cut out a dense frame, wrap it around the perimeter with threads, glue beads to these threads. To threads do not go in different directions, you can glue some rows together.
A frame made of branches of a tree
If you found a beautiful driftwood in a forest or a park, do not rush to get rid of it, if you divide it into equal parts and make a rectangle, you will get a stylish frame for an ethno-design in the apartment. Choose a photo suitable for the subject, and your gift will not only look original but also very expensive.
Decorating photos is a fascinating process, it charges us with positive emotions. Therefore, if you have accumulated pictures from various family celebrations, it is time to take the time to decorate your interior, make it cozier and warmer.